
 Veneers have revolutionized the world of modern cosmetic dentistry, and after a period of spread, they have now become accessible to everyone

In this article, everything you need to know about dental veneers, their pros and cons, and the most important tips for using them.

The names of veneers have varied from one place to another. They are ceramic veneers made of very thin veneer material, and their main goal is to beautify the surface layer of the teeth, change their color, or hide some defects in the front teeth.


 Veneers were invented by dentist Charles Pincus in 1928 and were aimed at actors and VIPs at that time. They quickly developed and spread throughout the world.


Its thickness ranges from 0.3 to 0.5 mm, depending on how much the dentist files the teeth. It is placed only on the surface layer of the teeth and is not suitable for the back molars of the teeth. Despite its thin thickness, after sticking it to the teeth, it becomes very solid and almost impossible to remove except by filing it at the dentist.


1 – Veneers made of porcelain, which are widely approved and widespread, as they are suitable for a large category of patients.

It is the best solution for people who suffer from external defects or mild orthodontic problems on the front teeth. Its default lifespan, which extends to 15 years, is considered one of the most important reasons that made choosing it the most appropriate solution.

2 – Lumineer is made of composite materials that are glued to the outer surface of the tooth without any carving of the tooth or enamel layer. It is only for the purpose of changing the color of the teeth and cannot hide any other defects. It is considered a temporary solution whose lifespan ranges from approximately one to three years.


Lumineer is considered the latest development of modern science in applying Hollywood Smile operations. Lumineer is based on applying Hollywood Smile through adhesive materials that are placed on the outer layer of the teeth without any process of filing the enamel layer of the teeth, and then draw them in the shape of a beard and harden them using light.

Its advantages:

  • Preserving natural teeth, after removing them, we can return to using our natural teeth without having to cover them again
  • Get a Hollywood smile in one session with the doctor
  • Instant teeth whitening and closing gaps between teeth

Its flaws:

  • It is not resistant to external factors and is susceptible to pigmentation and discoloration
  • It is highly susceptible to breakage due to its thickness not exceeding 0.1 mm
  • It does not last long and is considered a temporary solution


Luminaire is considered the least used in Turkey compared to veneers and zirconium and is not found in many cosmetic centers like veneers. Their prices range from 200 to 300 euros per tooth.


1) Dental health, the patient’s oral care culture, and the absence of dental composite in the teeth on which veneers are applied

2) The condition of orthodontic teeth, and because the veneer shells are thin, they are not suitable for correcting orthodontic problems of the teeth, as the doctor only sculpts the enamel layer.

3) It is not suitable for individuals under the age of 18 years to ensure full growth of teeth and to completely complete the process of replacing baby teeth. It is not suitable for individuals over the age of 40 years due to weak immunity of the gums and teeth.

4) It is necessary to ensure the condition and health of the gums and that they are free of any diseases or infections before installation, especially in women or pregnant women, as hormones naturally affect the condition of the gums. In these cases, the dental implant can be treated at least a month before the veneer is installed.

5) People who smoke and are addicted to alcoholic beverages and stimulants such as tea or coffee should stay away from veneer lenses.


The process of installing veneer lenses is carried out after ensuring that the necessary conditions are met by the patient. It begins with the patient taking a panoramic X-ray and after a general examination of the teeth and gums, the installation stages begin as follows:

First visit:

  • Taking initial measurements of the teeth in order to make temporary teeth during the treatment period, which takes 5 to 7 days
  • The doctor first performs local anesthesia of the teeth
  • Sculpting or filing the enamel layer of the front teeth of the upper and lower jaw (the creases). Quatrains. Premolars. Fangs. First molar (
  • After completing tooth sculpting, the doctor performs a deep cleaning of the gums
  • Taking measurements of the jaws after completing preparation and cleaning and sending them to the laboratory
  • Installing temporary teeth to protect the teeth from exposure to external factors, food residues, and sensitivity to cold and hot

Second visit:

  • Removal of temporary teeth and full cleaning of teeth again
  • Proof of teeth without adhesive materials to ensure the correct sizes and to ensure the patient’s approval of the size and color used.
  • Local anesthesia may or may not be applied depending on the degree of sensitivity of the patient’s teeth
  • Installing and gluing veneers. Make sure to use the e-max adhesive kit
  • Clean the remnants of the adhesive materials from the surface of the teeth and the gums, and pass the floss between the teeth to ensure that all the remnants of the adhesive materials are removed


The process of installing dental veneers is a precise and sensitive process, and the conditions for its application and use must be taken into account to a very great extent, otherwise it will not have the desired positive results.

What should I do before installing dental veneers:

  • It is preferable to clean the gums a month before the procedure
  • If you are a smoker or a fan of soft drinks and sweeteners, you should reduce them gradually
  • It is necessary to choose a doctor who specializes in installing veneer peels, as veneer peels are completely different from zirconium implants in preparation and installation, and no non-specialized doctor can give us good results.
  • You must make sure to choose the e.max brand, which is considered one of the best materials in the world for installing veneers

One of the most important factors for the success of the process of installing veneers are the steps followed after the installation process. If we follow all the necessary instructions before installation and do not follow the steps after installation, we will not obtain the required results and the process may fail in a short time. Among the most important tips for after installation are:

  • Regular oral care includes brushing your teeth at least twice a day
  • Brush properly for at least 3 minutes and pass the toothbrush over all areas of the teeth, front and back, and the gum area
  • Use medical floss between dental veneers on a daily basis to clean food residue that may not come out with a toothbrush
  • Use sterile mouthwashes to maintain the health of the gums, which if they are exposed to any inflammation can negatively affect the veneers.
  • You should avoid cutting solid materials or cutting food on them, and it is preferable to use your back molars permanently for chewing
  • Visit the dentist every 6 months to inspect and ensure the health of the teeth and gums


The lifespan of veneers ranges from approximately 5 to 15 years, and the patient’s interest in dental health and hygiene is one of the most important factors in prolonging the life of veneers. On average, 10 years is considered the general average for veneers in the world. During these periods, some veneers may be exposed to damage or fractures that can be repaired or replaced. The patient’s interest in oral health is the most important factor in prolonging the life of veneers as much as possible


The gums are considered an integral part of the process of installing veneers, and one of the reasons that increases the beauty of the veneers is the color of the gums and their alignment in the form of arches over the porcelain veneers. Here, the doctor’s experience is highlighted in the method of preparing the gums to complete the process of filing the teeth, as well as the method of installation, which must be under the gums and leave spaces that allow the gums to Expand to it after the installation process

If the preparation of the gums is not taken into consideration and spaces are left for them to expand, we may notice swelling of the gums shortly after installation, which leads to inflammation and gingival bleeding, which leads to the removal of the veneer scales and thus to the complete failure of the procedure.

It is necessary to take extra care of the gums during the brushing process and have them cleaned by the dentist once every 6 months or at least once a year.


Like other cosmetic surgeries, veneers contain many benefits and risks that must be known before making the decision to perform the procedure. We will explain some of their positive and negative effects.

  • Hide teeth defects and small gaps
  • Obtaining a bright and permanent white color for the teeth
  • Veneers resist stains and pigmentation better than natural tooth layer
  • Restoring confidence and a smile in a strong way has a significant impact on the psychological state
  • It is available at prices suitable for everyone
  • The speed of its implementation, as it does not exceed a week in most cases


  • It requires extreme oral care. If it is not taken good care of, it may lead to failure of the operation in a short period
  • Inability to cut food in the front teeth as before
  • Pronunciation may change in some letters in the first periods after installation
  • Sculpting or filing the enamel layer of the teeth, since after installing veneers, we cannot return to natural teeth for life
  • It is suitable for one time only. For example, if we decide to remove the veneers, we will not be able to put new ones in their place, which leads us to replace them with zirconium crowns and file the teeth further.


Veneers and zirconium are considered conflicting operations, as zirconium cannot be replaced for a veneer patient, and veneers cannot be replaced for a zirconium patient.

We must first know what the function of both zirconium and veneer is

  • Replacement over damaged and eroded teeth that contain large fillings and from which the nerve was pulled
  • Compensation of spaces between teeth
  • Adjusting the orthodontic shape of crooked teeth that are incapable or too late for orthodontists to fix
  • Zirconium replacement over the crowns in the event of tooth loss and implant surgery


  • A simple adjustment to the shape of the zigzag teeth
  • Filling the gaps between the teeth, provided that the gaps are not too large
  • Teeth beautification and changing the color and shape to match the smile shape approved by Hollywood Smile
  • Obtaining a Hollywood smile with less damage to the teeth in terms of filing the teeth, as it does not require filing a large amount of the tooth layer.


The main and biggest difference between veneers and zirconium is the amount of tooth filing, as we file only the surface enamel layer of the tooth in cases of veneers, while we file the entire tooth in a circular manner in cases of zirconium composites.

In both cases, zirconium or veneer, if applied, cannot be reversed for life, as the cooled layer of the tooth cannot remain without a covering that protects it from external factors.


E-MAX is considered one of the best international companies. It is German-made and produces zirconium blocks, veneers, and ceramic materials used. It is considered one of the best types of teeth in the world.

E-MAX crowns consist of the same properties as veneers, but they are in the form of a crown and not a lens. They are usually used in conjunction with veneer cases in which we may not be able to replace the entire tooth with veneers. The doctor covers the damaged teeth that are not suitable for veneers with E-MAX crowns.

It can also be used instead of zirconium crowns, but due to the high price, in most cases we resort to zirconium crowns because of their low cost compared to them.


Veneers have made a huge difference in dentistry, as the Hollywood Smile has become one of the basic components of a large class of artists, singers, and celebrities. These groups were forced to file their entire teeth in case they wanted to get a Hollywood smile.

It was the only method at that time until veneers were invented, which was done for this reason, which was to obtain a Hollywood smile with the least possible damage to the teeth. Soon, veneers became the best and most beautiful way to achieve a Hollywood smile.


Veneers have become one of the most widespread operations in Turkey to apply the Hollywood Smile procedure. Turkey is unique in providing the best types of veneers from the most famous international brands used, E/MAX, and Turkey being the first country in the field of medical tourism, which has given its doctors strong experience in this field and has become one of the cheapest countries to… Such operations are offered, and veneer prices vary depending on the materials used, the guarantees provided by tourism companies to patients, and the doctor’s experience in this field, given that veneers are one of the newly invented operations.

Prices for Hollywood Smile veneers in Turkey range from 200 to 500 euros per tooth, and the cost of the entire procedure can range. Hollywood Smile veneers for 20 teeth range from 3,500 to 8,000 euros for the entire procedure.

The great competition Is one of the most important reasons for the low cost of the operation, as some centers resort to providing hotel and transportation services for free, which can give patients additional motivation to undergo the Hollywood Smile procedure in Turkey.


Veneers are considered one of the very sensitive materials that require a special care system. People who are not capable of a high-care system are not advised to apply the Veneer process to people who are addicted to smoking, alcoholic beverages, or stimulants because of the negative effects that may result from them. Among the most important methods of caring for veneers are:

  • Brush your teeth daily at least three times and after every meal
  • Use sterile rinses for the mouth and gums on a daily basis, at least twice in the morning and evening
  • Taking care of the gums and brushing them during the teeth brushing process, as most people who brush the teeth neglect to brush the gums, which may make them vulnerable to infections that cause veneer failure.
  • Use dental floss to remove dirt and food residue between the teeth
  • Avoid cutting hard and sharp materials with your teeth, and hard foods such as apples or carrots should be cut before eating
  • Visit the dentist every 6 months or at least every year to clean the teeth inside and out
  • Visit a periodontist for females and pregnant women, as hormones greatly affect the gums



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